
I am a sea monster that lives across from my neighbor and buddy Charybdis. I haunt the narrow strait of water between us and I live in a misty cave while fishing for dolphins and sharks to eat (or anything bigger). I try to feed all of my six heads to keep me full. If sailors sail by this narrow passageway, there is no way for them to escape harm. Charybdis the whirlpool will either engulf the whole ship or I will eat six tasty men. My name comes from the Greek words for “hermit-crab”, “dog/dog-shark”, and “to rend.” You know, before I turned into a creature with twelve dangling feet, six long necks with disgusting heads at the ends, each complete with three rows of sharp teeth, I was a beautiful nymph. I was loved by the sea-god Glaucus, but my jealous rival – the witch Circe – used her magic to turn me into the hideous monster I am today. So in essence, I HATE MY LIFE. So I guess I use my own sadness to terrorize other innocent people. Revenge really is sweet, isn’t it? Ooh, and I almost forgot! To add to my misfortune, another fun fact about me: I was once killed by Heracles because I had stolen some oxen of Geryon (what? We all do it! You gotta do what you gotta do in order to feast.) and I was restored to life by Phorcys (daddy dear). So…that’s really it. All you really hear about me is the terror I strike in ships and journeys across the seas, things I am really proud of. Anyways, that is all you really need to know about me! Also, thanks for being such great fans!